How to Avoid Financial Aid Oversights
Many low-income and first-generation students don’t have anyone in their families to help give them advice on the next steps to prepare them for college. Every year, high school grads walk away from billions — as much as $2.6 billion in 2018 — in free federal grant money that could help pay for college, according…
Communities In Schools of Jacksonville Celebrates 30 Years with Anniversary Gala
Communities In Schools aims to build relationships that empower at-risk students to graduate from high school and excel in life. Founder Bill Milliken began Communities In Schools in New York City in the 1970s. He strived on never giving up on children and wanted to give students mentors that would lead them to bright futures.“It’s…
Rising Stars! Fundraising Event
Communities In Schools of Jacksonville is extremely proud to be hosting its Fourth Annual Rising Stars! fundraising event. Our students work hard throughout the year in school and in our programs. This event provides students with the amazing opportunity to be recognized for their work in school as well as for their extraordinary talents. The…
Black History Month
What started as a way to remember important people and events in the history of the African descendants’ community, has now grown into a nationwide celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time to recognize the central role of black people in U.S. history.The Black History Appreciation Initiative was first started in 1926 by…
My Internship Experience
Starting a new internship can often be scary and intimidating; I know this first hand. I wanted to find an internship where I could learn about a work environment, use and improve work skills, and of course, have something to put on my resume. What I found was so much more than that…Communities In Schools…
Kick off the start of the charitable season with #GivingTuesday. Once a small team dedicated to bringing people together and appreciating the value of giving back. Now, celebrated in over 150 countries, #GivingTuesday’s one purpose is to do good.Nationally recognized on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday wants to celebrate and encourage philanthropy. On November 27th,…
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
Did you know over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year?Bullying is defined as an unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Children who bully use their “power” to control or harm others. There are three types of bullying: verbal, social, and physical. Anyone can be bullied, and anyone…
National Dropout Prevention Month
Did you know every year over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States? That’s one student every 26 seconds.Did you know that 16% of students who begin ninth grade don’t receive a diploma four years later?October is National Dropout Prevention Month. While the dropout numbers have decreased from previous years,…
October is National Computer Learning Month
Technologies in education and in general are continuously growing and changing. Students now have opportunities with technology that they may not have had even a few years ago.National Computer Learning Month supports the use of computers in all creative and productive educational areas. The campaign also focuses on those students that may not have technology…