Simple Ways to Empower Others
“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” – Bill GatesWhether you’re a mentor, employer, parent, or teacher, there are countless ways for you to be a leader and empower others. The concept of leadership has shifted from telling others what to do to empowering them to discover…
Read More, Dream More
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Richard SteeleReading is known to have a positive effect on our brains. It not only broadens our minds and teaches us new words, but also helps us learn about ourselves and develop empathy for others and analytical and relationship-building skills. It requires concentration…
Promoting Safety in Our Schools
Safety in our schools is a collective effort, requiring the participation of administrators, educators, kitchen staff, coaches, bus drivers, and maintenance staff. If everyone is on board it will create an inclusive environment for all students. School safety can be improved by promoting, teaching, and exhibiting respect at all times. In order to prevent bullying,…
The Importance of Learning Leadership at a Young Age
“A leader is someone who demonstrates what’s possible.” – Mark YarnellYoung people live in a diverse world characterized by great pressures and responsibilities, changing technology, and challenges in the job market. They are the next generation of leaders in our workplace and in our communities. For our country to succeed, we need to empower them…
Be the Change: Why Mentors Matter
The greatest impact you make on the world just might occur through mentoring the young. Your presence in the life of an at-risk mentee could change their outlook and lead them on a path to success, with a multiplier effect upon others that is incalculable. At the same time, you as a mentor will grow…
The Family’s Role in Drop-out Prevention
Dropping out of school has serious personal, social and economic consequences for the individual, the family and society. Drop-outs face social stigma, reduced job opportunities and lower salaries. They are ill equipped to take on adult responsibilities and often end up becoming young parents, unemployed, on drugs and/or engaged in criminal activity. Drop-outs are costly…
Get To Know Our Staff: 20 Questions with Bryan Jones
20 Questions is a new blog series where each month we will be interviewing Communities In Schools of Jacksonville staff members. This month’s guest is Bryan Jones, the Project Manager for our After School program at Samuel A. Hull Elementary School.If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?You have to…
Expeditionary Learning and Adventure-Based Learning
Adventure-based learning and expeditionary learning are fairly new educational models that provide students with opportunities to learn skills and abilities outside of the traditional classroom setting. When these types of diversified learning are incorporated into school curriculum, students are given chances to learn leadership and communication skills, develop positive relationships, learn the value of teamwork,…
Special Education Makes Learning Available to Everyone
Special education services ensure that learning is available to all children. Special education students are able to get the same opportunities as other children because their needs are identified and plans are put into place to make sure they are successful in their current setting and school.Teachers certified in special education are trained to make…
3 Reasons Students Should Learn About Other Cultures
With the advancements in technology, and the broadened ability to travel around the world, students now more than ever, are living in an increasingly diversified world. At school, online, and in their communities, they interact with people from widely varied backgrounds. The winter holidays provide an excellent opportunity to teach children about the many different…