Overcoming Obstacles – 5 Common Challenges Students In Jacksonville Face

Here at Communities In Schools of Jacksonville, we work closely with students in the community who face a range of different challenges. From hunger to homelessness and a long list of other obstacles that students have to overcome, we work with students both inside and outside the classroom to help these students become their best selves.

As every student’s situation is completely different, we do our very best to tailor our student services in Jacksonville to meet the needs of each case. Through our work in the community since 1990, we have helped more than one hundred and ten thousand individual students. Although each of these students has faced different challenges there are some things that almost every student has to overcome to ensure they achieve their full potential.

Below, our team at Communities In Schools of Jacksonville outline five of the most common challenges we see students encounter.

Attendance Issues

For students to improve their opportunities moving forward, they must attend school. There can be many reasons that students find it difficult to keep up their attendance and these issues need to be addressed and dealt with head-on. Taking the time to speak to students one-on-one is the best way to identify the challenges they face in attending school regularly and make changes that will make a real difference long term.

Confidence And Resilience

Here at Communities In Schools of Jacksonville, we meet a lot of students who don’t possess the self-belief they need to move forward positively. Whether it's problems in their past, issues at home, lacking friends, feeling lonely, or any other host of potential issues, many students need help in becoming more confident and resilient so that they have every chance of being successful moving forward.

Lack Of Support

In many cases, students lack support in their home life and they might not have a friend group to rely on. In this case, students often benefit from after schools programs in Jacksonville that help to provide support and to provide that much-needed sense of community that is so important in giving students the confidence they need to overcome the challenges they face day-to-day.

Attitude To Learning

Whether it’s cultural, nurtured, or comes from within, it’s not uncommon for students in challenging situations to have a negative attitude toward learning. If students can’t find enjoyment and fulfillment through the learning process, it can be very difficult for them to remain motivated. With our student services in Jacksonville and various after schools programs in Jacksonville, we aim to make learning fun, engaging and worthwhile for the students we work with.

Social And Emotional Skills

Students must receive the emotional support that they need to be at their best. Here at Communities In Schools in Jacksonville, our student support services in Jacksonville are there to help students that need to work on developing their social and emotional skills. With a strong foundation in these areas, students will have more belief in their abilities and learn to grow in a positive way as a result.

Helping Students With Our Student Services In Jacksonville

At Communities In Schools in Jacksonville, our kind, caring and compassionate team is dedicated to helping those less fortunate students in our area. To find out more about the student services in Jacksonville, after schools programs in Jacksonville, and how you can help, be sure to get in touch with our team at Communities In Schools in Jacksonville today. Together, we can help the young people in our community to achieve their dreams.

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