CIS Jax Summer Camp: Elevating Summer Fun

Exploring Beyond the Classroom 

From viewing lions, tigers, and bears at the Jacksonville Zoo to throwing strikes at the bowling alley, CIS Jax summer camp knows how to plan an exciting summer. On top of all the fun field trips, CIS also finds ways to incorporate career-focused learning experiences, especially for high school students. With the help of local organizations across Duval, this consists of college tours, company outings, and professional presentations. Many students benefit from immersing themselves in real-world businesses and gaining hands-on experiences, which can enhance workforce development and inform future decisions.

CIS Jax Assistant Director of Case Management, Mary Naumann believes it’s all about keeping the students active and engaged with the combination of academics and enrichment. “Many of our students face adult responsibilities at home, so this is also a great opportunity for them to be ‘kids’ and have fun with their friends (old and new),” she said.  

Building Community Connections  

Summer takes on a whole new meaning when you’re surrounded by like-minded individuals who are all about making the most out of their off time. Feeling part of a community helps to develop a sense of identity and can even improve one’s psychological well-being. At CIS Jax summer camp, students are not only interacting with friends from their school but mixing it up with others from surrounding schools and influential organizations across the city. Sharing goals and experiences with others in the community isn’t just a bonus—it’s the secret sauce for staying happy and feeling like you are part of something bigger.

The Cost is on Us 

Summer fun can be expensive, not to mention the cost of childcare, summer clothing, entertainment, and sweet treats. The best part about CIS Jax summer camp is that it’s 100% free! From sports to technology and interactive activities, students are promised a fulfilling break – free from financial worries. Endless opportunities for adventure and growth await at

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